Thursday, November 27, 2008

Camera Focusing Blues

Some of you may have noticed that I'm slacking a little in posting new photos. It isn't through lack of interest. It's a camera problem.
My main camera is the Sony Alpha 700. It's a wonderful photography tool and I like it very much. It gives me (at least I think so) beautiful results with professional grade lenses.Except that it's developed a problem. I noticed that a lot of my pics were just a bit out of focus - not sharp like I'm accustomed to. After the usual attempts to rectify the situation (cleaning the lens, using a blower to get dust off the sensor, and using a sensor cleaner gently), things weren't any better. I tried all my lenses (all professional grade), the problem persisted.

Fortunately, I got the extended warranty when I got the camera new. The service is through Precision Camera. After several frustrating attempts to access service, I looked up Precision camera on Google, and discovered that others had similar frustrating experiences with them. Well, at least I'm not the only one. I finally got through and was able to send my camera in for repair, suspecting a front or back-focus issue.

I sent it in Oct 31. I'm glad I kept my Sony Alpha 100 in the mean time. It's a nice camera, but it's an entry level DSLR. The focus motor isn't nearly as robust as the a700, so it struggled to keep up the focus speeds on my big lenses, particularly my default lens for wildlife - the Sigma 300mm f/2.8.

It's difficult to go back to entry level gear after using semi-professional to professional grade gear for so long. I'm not trying to be elitist; it's just so much easier to to do what I do with with the gear I'm accustomed to using in the field.

Anyway, I got the camera back earlier this week, but the only time I'm had to use it is in the evening when I'm out with the dog, and with sunset before 5pm, I don't have a lot of light to use to evaluate the focus repair. Today will be my first chance to get the tripod out and check things out. I'm hoping things will live up to my Thanksgiving wish. I'll post some images later today if the focus is fixed.

Until then, I hope everyone has a safe and happy Thanksgiving.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Damn Coyote

As this is my first "official" blog entry, I'll provide a brief introduction. I'm doing this blog in reference to my primary hobby, photography; usually wildlife photography. Here in Colorado I have plenty of wildlife from which to choose. My favorite subjects vary by the season - summer is mountain goat, pika, and marmot season, fall is elk season, and winter & spring is fox season. For a little variation, I decided to go after one of my local coyote packs.

I've watched these coyotes for well over a year. They're at my local park where I walk the dog, but they’re elusive critters. I can usually only catch a brief glimpse before they dart into the woods and out of sight. Lately I've been spending more time stalking them and have been able to get a much better idea of their regular schedule & routes.

Today was the day I was going to get set up on his usual morning trail. The sun was coping up behind me. I was behind some reeds with the camera on the tripod, waiting for the coyote to come running down the trail towards me. The early morning sun would hopefully prevent him from seeing me too quickly and at the same time produce some lovely catch light in his eyes.
Right on schedule, he came trotting down the trail – and spotted me immediately.

Damn coyote.

Fortunately, I need a new challenge.