Sunday, November 23, 2008

Damn Coyote

As this is my first "official" blog entry, I'll provide a brief introduction. I'm doing this blog in reference to my primary hobby, photography; usually wildlife photography. Here in Colorado I have plenty of wildlife from which to choose. My favorite subjects vary by the season - summer is mountain goat, pika, and marmot season, fall is elk season, and winter & spring is fox season. For a little variation, I decided to go after one of my local coyote packs.

I've watched these coyotes for well over a year. They're at my local park where I walk the dog, but they’re elusive critters. I can usually only catch a brief glimpse before they dart into the woods and out of sight. Lately I've been spending more time stalking them and have been able to get a much better idea of their regular schedule & routes.

Today was the day I was going to get set up on his usual morning trail. The sun was coping up behind me. I was behind some reeds with the camera on the tripod, waiting for the coyote to come running down the trail towards me. The early morning sun would hopefully prevent him from seeing me too quickly and at the same time produce some lovely catch light in his eyes.
Right on schedule, he came trotting down the trail – and spotted me immediately.

Damn coyote.

Fortunately, I need a new challenge.

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