And if you were thinking this involves the coyote, you’d be correct.
I always enjoy going out in bad weather, because it increases my chance of seeing wildlife and keeps the crowds down at the same time. Unfortunately, no one was able to go with me other than the dog. And through hard experience, I’ve learned that Akitas and cameras do not mix.
Anyway, the park was almost deserted. Well, deserted of people, but not geese. There was a HUGE flock right next to the parking lot. They quickly noticed my dog while he was still in the car, and were visibly concerned. I tried to get him out as slowly as possible to keep from spooking them, but as soon as he rounded the car, the entire flock exploded into flight. It was an impressive sight.
We proceeded on our walk, but not more than a few steps on the trail we both noticed something – there was a coyote in the grass not more than 10 meters away. he was crouched down in the grass, apparently sneaking up on the geese – but that plan was spoiled when we spooked the flock. He casually sat upright, initially unaware of us, watching the geese fly away. He quickly became aware of us and just sat there watching us for the longest time.
After a few moments he casually stood up and started slowly walking parallel to the same trail we were on. After only a few feet he stopped, crouched down, and executed a perfect jump in the air, pouncing on something, and wound up with a fat vole in his mouth, which he quickly ate. All at only 10 meters away.
To make a long story short, we ran into the coyote several more times, usually less than 15 meters away each time. He never displayed any sign of aggression, just curiosity. We just happened to be sharing the same trail while he was going about his business.
It was frustrating to not have my camera to have recorded all this, particularly after spending to much time and energy get some decent shots of these wonderful animals. Despite the frustration of getting no shots with such a wonderful opportunity, it was a privilege to spend so much time with such a magnificent creature.